Well, my tomato seedlings survived the night, phew! In fact, they're looking rather pleased with themselves, as if they've stretched their little legs and breathed a sigh of relief (I was instructed by the guru, Peter Cundall, to get them root bound - and they certainly were!).
The Booba and I headed down to one of my favourite local charity shops this arvie. Its in one of the less savoury necks of these woods, with lots of unusual people wearing bizarre ensembles walking strangely etc, but its worth it because the shop isn't totally picked over (perhaps because the locals are not quite with it?.........). Had a particularly good haul today - check out our new loot in the photo. We got all of this for well under $20, and its all in really good nick. The little toy car in particular I'm pretty certain has never come into contact with a child before (or if so an extremely clean and gentle one!). We're going to give this to The Booba as part of his Christmas present, I think he'll love it.
Must own up to being freshly in possession of a new new book (as opposed to a new secondhand book). It was a gift from the Beloved Husband who was interstate over the weekend - a collection of poems by my favourite poet, E.E. Cummings. Hey I think I deserved it because The Booba kicked up a major non-sleep flavoured stink in his absence! Its mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful and I promise to cherish it forever (I'm referring to the book, but I guess that applies to The Booba too, despite his curent penchant for nocturnal histrionics).
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